An InvitationTo Promote Your Business or Organization through Millwood Now . org
Millwood Business Association (MCA) is a non-profit organization for the purpose of promoting Millwood Businesses and Community.
We invite you, a Millwood Business or Organization, to participant in our web based, portfolio styled Directory / Calendar.
The annual cost for businesses is a $10.00 suggested donation to the MCA. Non-profits and community organizations may waive the donation if needed.
Your participation includes the following three features:

Portfolio Directory
The link above is to the main portfolio / directory page, and this page will display all participants and link options to view one of several sub-categories.
Your portfolio image may link to your existing web presence, or it may link to a portfolio page.
Each Portfolio Page will have a header with text; approximately 50 words of text; two images, your address, phone, hours & email; and a link to your existing web presence.
Event Calendar
The link above is to the Millwood Event Calendar. As a participant you may us information about your event and it will be posted in this calendar.
The calendar may be viewed in a monthly format, a daily format and in an events list format.
Community Promotion
Portions of the site will be for promoting our community and history. Where appropriate we will offer promotion for business & organizations there in. For example: if your business or organization helps to sponsor a MCA program or event, then we will post your logo/image linked to your web presence. Both financial contributions and volunteering to help at the program or event are considered sponsoring.
In addition to businesses and organizations with in the city limits, this site will be available to those outside the city yet with a strong connection to Millwood. For example the Argonne Library is not in the city limits but it is our library. Most of our kids schools are not in the city limits, but they are our schools.
The Millwood Community Association reserves editorial rights for all content. Final approval by the participant will be obtain before their work is posted.
Cost for participation in the project is a suggested $10.00 donation by businesses, and this may be waived for non-profit and volunteer organizations.